Kornerstone Credit - No Credit Financing Blog

5 Ways to Save Money as a Student

Written by Kornerstone Credit | Aug 23, 2021 8:40:25 PM

Being in college can be stressful enough without the added money problems. Living on a tight budget, eating Top Ramen every day, scrounging for the loose change in your car and around your house is never fun. Here are a few pointers to help you budget for the necessities of college life, while also enjoying the full college experience.  


Rent used textbooks and sell last semester’s books.  

Textbooks can take up a pretty big part of your budget and sometimes there is no getting around it. If the book is available to rent for the semester, that is a great way to save some extra cash. If it isn’t available to rent, you can sell it back after the semester ends.  

Get roommates.  

Roommates are a great option to save some money. Getting a roommate, or even a few roommates, can save you money on rent and utilities. Bonus! You can get lifetime friends from your roommates.  

Shop where they offer student discounts. 

There are so many stores and restaurants that offer discounts with your student ID. If you are not sure if they offer it or not, then just ask. The worst they can do is say no! 

Sell what you no longer use or need. 

There are many options out there where you can sell your used clothing, furniture, or tech items. You could use PoshmarkOfferUp, or Facebook Marketplace 

Take advantage of what your campus has to offer in terms of activities, rather than spending money on going out.  

Many campuses have a large spread of activities going on throughout the semester. Campuses offer sports events, movie nights, and other social events for cheaper or, sometimes, for free.  


Regardless of whether you’re starting college or hitting your senior year, Kornerstone Credit wants to help and get you prepared. Whether you need a new laptop, dorm, or apartment furniture, with simple, recurring payment options from over 30,000 retail partner locations, you can ensure your school experience will be less focused on money shortages, and more focused on studies and your college life. Find a store near you by visiting our website.